Renew Your Tabs

RENEW YOUR TABS: Vehicle or Vessel

Frequently Asked Questions

Two-part Answer:
It’s up to you. You can either have them mailed to you or pick them up at our office at our convenient Internet renewal window. 

By Mail: Make sure your address is correct. Choose Valley Vehicle Licensing in Covington 98042. You will receive them within five (5) business days.

In-Person: If you choose to pick them up, they should be ready by the time you arrive at our branch. Make sure you choose Valley Vehicle Licensing in Covington, WA.

 Others may renew tabs on behalf of the owner if they provide written authorization from the registered owner or bring in the current year renewal notice.

  • Personal check from the registered owner*
  • Cash
  • Debit/Credit cards (fees apply)

*A check from the registered owner, with matching address, and the correct registration amount, may be accepted as proof of authorization to purchase current year license.

 We have made it easier for you to schedule an appointment. Go here and download either the Android/iOS app to do this: Valley Vehicle Licensing APP

Make An Appointment

We have made it easier for you to schedule an appointment. Download either the Android/iOS app.

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